We offer connection to quality mental wellness services grounded in holistic healing (mental, spiritual, emotional and physical balance) through a culturally inclusive approach.

Wellness Circles
Our Wellness Circles provide an interactive and participant-driven space for individuals to connect, build relationships and foster community. Circle Keepers facilitate each session through shared stories and songs as well as prompting questions and visuals. Each Wellness Circle may be focused on one quadrant of the Medicine Wheel or may be rooted in all quadrants with a specific topic area depending on participant needs.
Beading Circles
Our Beading Circles are facilitated in partnership with local beading artists. In each Beading Circle participants are engaged in creating their own beaded project. As we move through the creation process we discuss how our learning styles, focus, strengths and challenges may impact our work and mindfulness in everyday actions. Participants learn various stitches and styles; example projects include: looped fringe earrings, rosettes, rose wrap stitching, beaded cap stitching, peyote stitch, hoop earrings/ladder stitch, Indian corn earrings/square stitch, and brick stitch. These events are facilitated for beginners and advanced beaders.
Roots, Relations, and Resilience
We emphasize that our wellness is shaped by our relations and perspectives of self and positionality. This training empowers participants to reflect on their own roots in order to build relations and collective resilience. Participants engage in activities focused on their own customs, traditions, songs, creation stories and practices. Through discussion and activities, participants are able to simultaneously recognize their diversity and interconnectedness while also identifying approaches to build inter-group relations and resilience.
Culture, Balance, and Indigenous Wellness
For Native and Indigenous communities, the balance of culture, place and traditions are central to maintaining wellness. We recognize that balance refers to the connection between physical, emotional, mental and spiritual wellness. This training unpacks how we think about and maintain our cultural connectedness to promote wellness. Participants engage in activities designed to elevate understandings of place in terms of connection to land, environment, relations, the four directions and the four elements. Facilitators also highlight what it means to be in good relation to a place and its peoples. We also consider our unique positionalities within our families/communities as well as our responsibilities to our upcoming generations.
Beading and Balance
It has long been understood within Native and Indigenous communities that Beading is Medicine. This session focuses on the power and practice of beading to promote self-care, reflection and restoration. Facilitators lead participants through a dedicated beading project and also engage participants in discussion on beading for balance. This includes discussion on Indigenous core values, what it means to empower one another and how to continue wellness practices in order to build compassion as a community.
Indigenizing Wellness in the Workplace
We often spend much more time at work than we do with our own families. Yet we rarely name, identify and implement strategies that reflect what it means to be well in the workplace. We also recognize our team members must be well mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually in order to sustain impactful work in community. This training highlights four approaches to integrating Indigenous wellness in order to prevent burnout and reduce stress. Participants also engage in activities designed to build relations, promote effective practices and contribute to positive work environments.
For descriptions and details about each training please email us at admin@sssisterproject.org or complete our Training, Workshops and Event Inquiry form below.